Inspired by Dirtyhands, the Bastard of the Barrel, the infamous Kaz Brekker. Kaz smells of...
Inspired by the Dreg’s spy, Inej Ghafa smells of Dried Berries, Fresh Air, Jasmine and...
Inspired by the Sun Summoner, Sankta Alina smells of Mandarin, Champagne, and Merzost. Each candle...
Inspired by the mysterious leader of the Grisha Second Army, the Darkling smells of Dark Musk,...
Inspired by the Sharpshooter, Jesper and the Demolitions Expert, Wylan. Jesper smells like leather, gunpowder. Each candle...
Inspired by the demolitionist from the Dregs, Wylan Van Eck, smells like parchment and fresh linen....
Matthias smells of fresh snow, evergreen, and wolves. Each candle is made in a 4...
Nina smells like maple, candied apples, bourbon, and charm. Each candle is made in a...
"If Ketterdam has taught me anything, it's that you can always bleed a little more."...
Inspired by the Demon King of Ravka and the Storm Witch that we are not...